靓汤 Lang Tong

伦理 欧美 2015

主演:Vivienne Tseng



欢迎在线观看《靓汤 Lang Tong》,白胡子影院第一时间为你提供靓汤 Lang Tong的在线观看服务,靓汤 Lang Tong讲述了Zach is a serial womanizer and a conman, who one day falls for a girl named Li Ling. She makes the best pork rib soup (the film's title is Cantonese for 'nice soup'). However, soup is not enough to keep Zach faithful. He soon falls for Li Ling's younger sister, Li Er, an attractive and gorgeous young lady. They start an affair behind Li Ling's back. Things are not as simple as
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